Water Conservation and Water Waste Prevention Regulations
After careful consideration of the City of Guymon’s current water pumping capacity, and the current drought and weather conditions, The Interim City Manager has announced Water Conservation and Water Waste Prevention Regulations must be implemented.
The following Water Conservation methods will be implemented and enforced beginning May 13, 2022.
Water Conservation
• An odd/even watering schedule will be put into place beginning on May 13, 2022. If your address is an even number we are requesting you water only on even numbered days, and if your address is an odd number water only on odd numbered days.
• Refrain from watering your yard during the hours of 11:00 am through 7:00 pm. Restrict your watering to the late evening hours or the early morning hours.
• Remember your yard only requires approximately 1.5 inches of water per week to have a nice green, lush yard. If you would like to have a rain gauge to place in your yard to measure the amount of water you are applying daily, please contact City Hall. Water Waste Prevention
• Refrain from watering your yard in such a manner the water runs down the street or floods the sidewalks.
• Refrain from washing your vehicles in your drive way. By following these simple measures City Leadership hopes to preserve this precious resource and save undue wear and tear on the City’s water pumping system. There are penalties for violation of these regulations, but for the time being the City Staff have been requested to only provide a courtesy contact or notice if violations are witnessed. Please help the employees of Guymon, your neighbors, with this effort.
Micheal Shannon Interim City Manage