The City of Guymon was granted an OPDES (Oklahoma Pollution Discharge Elimination System) Permit by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) to discharge treated wastewater to the Beaver River. The City of Guymon Wastewater Treatment Facility (WWTF) treats an average of 1.2 MGD (Million Gallons per Day), with a capacity of up to 3.0 MGD. Sludge generated from the WWTF is picked up and hauled to Seward County Landfill. The facility employs three Lab Technicians, one Maintenance Operator, and the Superintendent. All facility employees are full time. Separately, Category 5 reclaimed water produced by Seaboard Farms is land applied for irrigation at four sites outside the City.
For a tour of the facility, please contact the WWTF Superintendent at 580-338-3015.