While Guymon gets lower rainfall than many areas of the state, our periodic high intensity rainfall events require the system to be in good condition to prevent loss of life and property from flooding. As a permitted MS4 community, the City also has a responsibility to ensure compliance with the EPA and Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) requirements and prevent stormwater pollution that eventually impacts surface water.
The City of Guymon stormwater program includes educational and regulatory initiatives to encourage environmentally sound development and redevelopment. The City’s storm water ordinances provide guidance on storm water management plans required for construction and encourages the prevention of illicit discharges. All of these measures allow us to meet the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) storm water regulations.
The City of Guymon's Stormwater Collection System includes over 750 stormwater inlets and manholes, and roughly 15 miles of stormwater pipeline. City staff clean, maintain, and repair this important conveyance system and evaluate for needed improvements. With the City's street sweeping program, maintenance, and help from residents, we can keep this system ready for any storm event.
Although our area does not have a flowing river receiving our stormwater runoff, we must be aware of what enters our storm drains. It may take longer to get there, but anything that can wash away from our streets and yards - chemicals, oils, fertilizers, trash, and animal waste; can end up in our stormwater system and eventually in surface waters between Guymon and the Gulf of Mexico. Stormwater runoff is the biggest source of water pollution, but you can be the solution. Remember - only rain down the storm drain!
For questions, or to report illicit discharges leaks or spills, please contact the Stormwater Hotline at stormwater@guymonok.org or 580-338-3396, ext. 1017.