The City of Guymon wishes to express our sincere gratitude to all citizens who are doing their part in our water conservation efforts. As we move into spring and summer, water use is increasing citywide, and we need your continued cooperation. Water conservation is critical until the City’s new wellfield project is completed.
Odd/even watering schedule: If your address ends in an even number you may water on even number days, odd address on odd days. Splitting up irrigation days is a common water conservation practice and helps to stabilize demand on the water system. This schedule will be strictly enforced.
Refrain from watering your yard during the hours of 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Heat, low humidity, and wind can evaporate up to 50% of your irrigation water during these hours.
Only water yards when needed and at no time over 1.5 inches of water per week. Lawn irrigation gauges are available from the City to help you adjust your irrigation system.
Watering the sidewalks and streets is strictly prohibited. Runoff water is 100% wasteful and preventable.
Please note that the City of Guymon has the technology to monitor water usage throughout its system, and Code officials will be using every means possible to monitor and enforce City water ordinances.
Please direct any questions to